Accounting & Tax
Our advisors are specialized in tax planning and management, offering tailor-made solutions in the pursuit of fundamental objectives in this area: compliance, efficiency and risk mitigation.
The experience and continuous updating of our professionals also allow us to take full advantage of the tax exemptions and benefits offered by the legislation, as well as an efficient
implementation of the agreements and provisions in force regarding international taxation.
We provide a wide range of services related to this area: tax audits or due diligence; defense and advice in the event of tax inspections; advice on the filing of administrative appeals;
investment projects for obtaining tax benefits; tax planning, definition of business or corporate structures aimed at achieving greater efficiency and taking advantage of franchises; tax
management, including all the necessary for compliance in this area (tax settlement, filing of returns, etc.); and specialized advice regarding the application of current regulations to factual
situations, including interaction with the corresponding public entities.
In accounting matters, our information system allows us to meet the requirements of our clients, both for their internal management and for the submission of information to third parties.
Services in this area include: maintenance of accounting records in compliance with regulations; issuance and submission of financial statements to banking entities, AIN (National Internal Audit
Office), or to other users as required; management reports, with frequency and design tailored to the client's needs; and specialized advice on the application of current accounting standards
(IFRS and provisions of the Commercial Companies Law, among others).